Deep Learning Using TensorFlow and Keras
Course description
Deep Learning is a branch of machine learning that utilizes neural networks. But how does a neural network work, and how does deep learning solve machine learning problems?
In this workshop, you will learn how to get started with deep learning using one of the most popular frameworks for implementing deep learning – TensorFlow. You will also use another API – Keras, which is built on top of TensorFlow, to make deep learning more user-friendly and easier.
- Introduction to Neural Networks
- Deep Learning and Neural Networks
- Perceptron and Neural Networks
- Layers, Weights and Biases
- Activation Functions
- Softmax
- ReLu
- Leaky ReLu
- Back Propagation
- Loss Functions
- Binary cross entrophy
- Categorical cross entrophy
- Mean-squared error
- Optimizers – Gradient Descent, RMSprop, Adam
- Evaluating Performance
- Common Types of Neural Networks
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
- What is TensorFlow?
- What is a Tensor?
- Basic TensorFlow Operations
- Graph and Session
- Mathematical Operations
- Matrices
- Variables and Constants
- Placeholders
- Visualizing your graph using TensorBoard
- Building a Perceptron using TensorFlow
- Using Keras with TensorFlow
- Image Classifications
- Text Classifications
- Custom Image Recognizer
- Transfer Learning
- What is Transfer Learning?
- Using pre-trained models
- Fine-tuning pre-trained models
- Basic programming experience
- Understanding of basic object-oriented programming concepts
- Mac / Windows laptop
- Anaconda (Python 3.7)
- Visual Studio Code
– 10
Course details
Time: 9:00 – 17:00 (GMT +2:00)
Duration: 2 days
Location: Online
Type: Keras, ML/AI, TensorFlow
Trainer: Wei-Meng Lee
Course price
Early bird price: 698 Eur + VAT
Standard price: 798 Eur + VAT (Changes 2 weeks before)