The brainiest courses
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The brainiest courses
for IT brainiacs.

Getting started with Kubernetes

Course description

Kubernetes is how you run Docker in production. Bring your laptop with Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac installed. We’ll walk through getting a K8s cluster fired up on Docker-Desktop, and on Azure. You’ll be hosting Docker containers in development and production in no time.

We’ll dig deep into:

  • A quick tour through Docker concepts
  • The components of a Kubernetes cluster
  • Pods, services, deployments, and replicas
  • Ways to scale and expose/isolate your containers
  • Public and private container registries
  • Promoting from development to production
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Best practices for building at cloud scale
  • Tips & Tricks for leveraging Docker and Kubernetes
  • When not to use Kubernetes

Structure for 12 h course:

Day 1: We’ll begin with Docker, understanding its key differences from virtual machines and diving into the Docker workflow. Participants will learn to create basic and more complex containers, grasp Dockerfile creation, and troubleshoot container startup errors.

Day 2: Transitioning to Kubernetes, we’ll explore container orchestrators and core concepts like pods, deployments, services, and ingress. Through hands-on exercises, attendees will deploy containers using Kubernetes CLI, learn YAML creation, and troubleshoot connectivity issues.

Day 3: We’ll focus on cloud hosting, particularly Azure, discussing various hosting options and best practices. Participants will enhance their containers and Kubernetes setups with Ingress, deploying them to ACR, AKS, Azure Web Apps, and ACI, gaining insights into cloud-based container management.

Structure for 8 h course:

Day 1: We’ll kick off with an intensive dive into Docker, covering its fundamentals, workflow, and hands-on container creation, including Dockerfile construction. Participants will gain practical experience in troubleshooting container start errors and mastering essential Docker CLI commands.

Day 2: Transitioning to Kubernetes, we’ll explore container orchestrators, core concepts like pods, deployments, and services, and deploy containers using Kubernetes CLI. Additionally, we’ll delve into YAML creation and troubleshooting connectivity issues. Finally, we’ll conclude with a comprehensive discussion on best practices in container management, Dockerfiles, and Kubernetes setups, preparing participants to continue their cloud journey independently.

We’ll look at the commands and ecosystem around building infrastructure as code, local and cloud clusters, and best practices with containers.

Come see why devs and ops love Kubernetes!

Course details

Duration: 8 – 12 hours
Location: Online

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